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Make your 2025 Pledge to St. James here!
We believe that God calls us to give of our time, talent, and treasure to help
us do the work of being the hands and feet of Jesus in our community.
We are so grateful for any financial contribution you can make to St. James.
Below, you can choose from a variety of funds to contribute to.
NOTE: Like many non-profits, St. James uses a 3rd party service to process donations. SubSplash gives donors an option to cover the processing fee, something our previous processing company did not do; we just paid the fees.
We do not expect donors to cover the processing fee, but we do appreciate it!
Confirmation Class/Enquirers Class 2024
Mondays 7 pm, 6 weeks (beginning April 8)
Candidates for Confirmation at St. James must attend all 6 sessions
(or 5 and the make up session on May 20) to be considered for Confirmation. Other participating churches may set their own requirements; check with your clergy.
April 8: Who We Are
Introduction, Human Nature (845), Sin and Redemption (848)
April 15: Who God Is
God the Father (846), God the Son (849), The Holy Spirit (852)
April 22: On Prayer and Worship
The Creeds (851), The Holy Scriptures (853), Prayer and Worship (856)
April 29: On Covenants and Commandments
The Old Covenant (846), The Ten Commandments (847), The New Covenant (850)
May 6: On Sacraments
The Sacraments (857), Holy Baptism (858), Holy Eucharist (859), Other Sacramental Rites (860)
May 13: The Church and Her People
The Church (854), The Ministry (855), May 13: The Christian Hope (861)
May 20: Makeup
for Confirmation candidates (if needed)
May 26 - 9:30 am - Confirmation Service with Bishop Marty at St. James
Other Resources:
Your Faith, Your Life
- Jennifer Gamber
Walk In Love: Episcopal Beliefs and Practices
- Scott Gunn and Melody Wilson Shobe
First Name
Last Name
Parish Affiliation
I'll be attending...
In person at St. James
Exclusively on Zoom
In person and online, depending on the week
I'm interested in...
Being Confirmed on May 26
Being Received on May 26
I'm considering Confirmation/Reception, but I'm not ready yet
Just attending to learn something new
Anything else you would like to share?